Clean Energy Regulatory Research (CERR®) provides regulatory consulting services in the electric and gas utility sector. Our expertise is in clean energy programs including demand response and energy efficiency; resource planning; wholesale electricity and capacity markets; and clean energy program design and implementation.


Regulatory Engagement

  • Develop policy positions and regulatory strategies
  • Develop coalitions among entities with common policy goals
  • Draft testimony and pleadings
  • Advocate for client positions at regulatory workshops and hearings
  • Engage regulatory staff on relevant topics
  • Summarize regulatory documents
  • Convene regular strategy and coordination sessions

Research & Case Management

  • Perform market and regulatory research
  • Project manage regulatory client filings
  • Track and monitor regulatory proceedings
  • Prepare customized reports on regulatory developments
  • Collaborate with clients to identify business opportunities

Compliance Management

  • Build regulatory compliance management system for load-serving entities
  • Develop protocols and mitigation plans
  • Manage ongoing compliance efforts